It’s all about being our authentic selves

There has been lots of excitement and hubbub lately in the New Age community. We had a full moon last night, full of energies to shift and change us and our world, as well as a Fall Equinox coming up that also has the astrologers humming. I don’t understand much about the astrological side of things, except knowing that my sign is Gemini according to my birthdate.  But from what I’ve come to understand in the latest astrology reports, this is our time to shake off all the old crud from our old way of living, and start singing the song we were really meant to sing – and not the one in a minor key!

So many of us find it a struggle to be our true selves. We have been conditioned from well meaning parents, friends, family, partners and spouses to be who they want us to be, and to put away any uniqueness that just isn’t quite right to them. And we want to please the ones we love, so we tamp down any passionate or uniquely creative self we might truly be, and go down the road chosen by the others.

But if we are lucky, something sparks inside of those who have been silenced. Then the soul comes forth to show what we’ve really got to give and oh my, the strains of those waking up to their authentic selves is a lovely sound! Talk of a new paradigm is just that, the allowing of each human being here to Be Themselves, and not the molded creation of any other artist. Then the fun of being here on earth can really begin.

For me the fun started out when I finally decided that yes, I could wear a hat and be comfortable and confident as a hat-wearing woman. And I didn’t bat an eye as my kids gave me “the look” when I wore my very fetching Fedora for the first time out in public with them. I know they wondered what happened to the rather bland mother they had known all those years, but I just didn’t care! I had always wanted to wear a hat just for fun, and now I was doing just that!

The phrase I heard this morning as I meditated on the full moon energies was “New and True”, and that sums it up in a lovely nutshell. We have the opportunity to take the reins of Love and Peace, and create a world fashioned from those energies. But first we have to follow the True part, no matter what anyone else tells us, and revel in the joy of being our authentic selves.



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