Pulling the message out of the dream

Dream time lately has become akin to watching a feature film, and more often than not my dreams fit into the genre of science fiction. For the most part I don’t remember any details after I wake up, just a general knowing of crazy dreams that filled my sleep.

But every so often I find myself remembering a scene out of my dreams that just won’t go away. These vignettes that I recall in a waking state are very vivid and stay with me. That’s how I know that there is a message to be heeded or a guidepost or sign along my path.

At first glance I can’t always pull out the message, but I find that as I write it out in my journal I get to the Voila! place where now I understand what the two white dogs meant, or any of the other unique dream messages I have received.

And I also find that each dream message itself is both personal and unique. Usually when I see dogs in a dream it is about intuition for me, but last night’s dog dream was not that at all.

So the key is to stay open minded, do a bit of riddle solving, and take heed to what calls to you in the land of your dreams.


This too shall pass…

Here’s a common question, usually filled with trepidation; “Which would you like first, the good news or the bad news?” This was the question the Universe posed to me last week, but it didn’t wait for my reply, it gave me the bad news first.

I had known for a time that my computer was ailing, but when it overheated and shut itself off I knew I had no choice; it needed some professional help.

And rather than take the time to research and check out computer repair shops nearby, I instead  followed my impatient and impetuous nature, loaded up my computer in the nice travel case I have for it and went to the first computer service store that was open on a Saturday.

The man there seemed nice enough and explained what he would do to fix my computer, promising it would be like brand new! But I ignored the warning bells of my intuition clanging, as I paid for the costly service and signed a paper stating “no guarantee”. I just wanted my computer back to normal, and soon!

And of course my intuition was right, as I was soon to find out after getting my computer home, still full of spits and sputters, and once again overheating to the point of shutdown. So now it was on to phase two of how to get my computer back on track.

This time I listened to the little but very loud voice in my head and went to the computer repair shop that I should have gone to in the first place, the one I didn’t take the time to wait for because they were closed on Saturdays. And to make a long story short, I was able to easily get my computer fixed for a reasonable fee and it is better than brand new. Finally, some good news!

But wait, not so fast, I had one more little bout of “how well can you handle another challenge” from the Universe. This other problem came to light as I sat with lots of computer-free time on my hands.

Something or someone told me that I should probably try on the dress I had planned to wear for my son’s upcoming wedding in a month. Yes perhaps a good idea, why not just make sure it still fits because the last time I tried it on was last year. And I knew I had gained some weight but what a surprise when my “new” body did not fit well at all into this dress, oh dear. More bad news, now I have to go dress shopping!

Now for many women, this would not be construed as a bad thing, having to go shop for a pretty dress. But for me, I see clothes as a bit of a necessary evil, and have as few clothes as possible. I do not enjoy the clothes shopping experience one little bit, and honestly my favorite clothing store is Goodwill, where I discover lots of great finds in my price range – cheap!

And here’s the good news part of this story. At the “upscale” Goodwill in downtown Portland I managed to find a lovely and elegant black dress, Ann Taylor, that fits me and looks good on me – for $25! Good news, good news! And a sigh of relief that I don’t have to go to the mall.

I look back now on the computer ordeal and the dress ordeal, and see how it is that we need to have things go a bit out of kilter at times. We need to let the Universe play its “good news, bad news” game with us, or else how do we test our mettle here? I have to say that through it all I focused very hard on all the things going right in my life, and I saw so much to be thankful for. These things that happened to me were minor in the grand scheme of things, merely annoyances no matter how much my ego wanted to throw a tantrum. I stayed calm and emotionally balanced, and lo and behold it all came to pass as lots of good news in the end.

Flowers at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden in Portland, Oregon

Flowers at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden in Portland, Oregon




This is not a place of perfection

Inspiring words often come from strange and unexpected places.

I was watching a video of Elliott Smith playing on the Jon Brion Show, a VH1 show from 2000 that never got off the ground. Elliott had just finished playing a song on the piano, and leaned over to tell Jon that he had messed up a couple of times and wondered if he should he play the song again. Jon told Elliott he could play it again if he liked, but assured his friend that he too had “messed up plenty” in his accompaniment to Elliott’s song.

Then Elliott said some words that were in regard to the song he had just played, but made me think in a broader context: “I don’t think the point is to make no mistakes, that’s just not the point.”

And I couldn’t help but think how that statement could be applied to life here on Earth. How else do we learn unless we make mistakes that teach us what not to do? There’s something to be said for messing up in life as we go along, and then finding such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when we are able to do something seamlessly. Mistakes are often the cornerstone of invention, and I know there are plenty of examples of incredible breakthroughs and discoveries that have occurred through the ages due to a “mistake”.

It might look good on paper to have what I like to call a “skating life”, one that is free from troubles and problems and issues and yes, those pesky mistakes. Life here on Earth is not meant to be perfection; we are all perfectly imperfect Earth angels. And those who are wisest look to life’s errors as challenges, and come out shining even stronger in the end.


Plaque honoring Elliott Smith at Lincoln High School in Portland, OR

Plaque honoring Elliott Smith at Lincoln High School in Portland, OR

Reaching through

I’ve heard it said that as young children we are easily able to reach through to the unseen, our young hearts and minds not clouded over by the ego and rationality. But until I spent some recent time with my two and a half month old grandson, I had not actually witnessed the little ones communing with those in spirit.

I first saw my grandson, Deegan, trying to talk and reach out in his baby way to unseen beings as he lay on his changing table, my daughter changing his diaper. His big blue eyes were obviously focused on something or someone we could not see, and he cooed and talked in babyspeak, as if he were having a conversation with someone! His little arms reached out too, trying to touch a presence my daughter and I just could not see. She made a comment about Deegan’s behavior, saying how he is so fascinated by the curtain and the ceiling fan, explaining away what I knew in my heart was really a lovely communing with those he had recently left behind at Home.

I know that my dear daughter and son-in-law are not quite on the same page as I am with angels and such, so I kept my thoughts to myself. They are such loving parents with Deegan but they are still steeped in the old ways of the 3D world where the ego rules, and I truly believe their son is a crystal child who has come to be in this family and show everyone what living from love and the soul is all about.

I had many lovely opportunities to witness Deegan reaching through to those in spirit, and it never failed to delight me. And in taking notice of this and feeling their spirit presence myself, I am reassured that my grandson is well taken care of from those on Earth and at Home.

My grandson Deegan, reaching through the veil

My grandson Deegan, reaching through the veil


Words that resonate, words to share

I found a poem this morning that really spoke to me in a wise and simple manner. These words reminded me of the spiritual path we start out on, gleaning so much guidance from others, but ultimately finding and trusting our own inner guidance. This missive of wisdom comes from a book entitled Rest Your Dreams on a Little Twig by Joyce Rupp and Barbara Loomis, a lovely volume of spiritual poems inspired by nature – I hope these words resonate with you also…

When I was

but a babe

in my spiritual growth,

I followed closely

the wise ones,

the mentors,

the visionaries.

Now that I have grown

I still need mentors,

wise ones,

and visionaries.

Only now

we swim side by side.

Now I trust

my own path,

as well as

the path of others.


My grandson, one of the crystal children

While I anxiously awaited the news of my grandson’s birth – my first grandchild! – I tried to pass the time reading a book about indigo children I had found at the library. I had only really heard in passing about the new ones coming to Earth in recent years; terms such as indigo children, rainbow children, star children and crystal children had me wondering what my grandson would come to be.

With my psychic senses opening up so much more as of late, I had been trying to reach through to the soul of my grandson in a telepathic way, hoping to connect with him if it was meant to be. I had not heard or felt any such connection with him until the day of his birth, when I sat down with the book about indigo children and started reading.

All of a sudden I felt a large and expansive presence in my home, a very loving energy full of light, that told me to look up information about crystal children instead. I put down the book about indigo children and went to my computer to do some research on crystal children instead. After printing off some articles to peruse further, I felt a strong urge to do a meditation. And that is when I realized that the energy directing me toward information about crystal children was the soul energy of my grandson.

It was one of those “I just know” things, that this beautiful soul full of love and enthusiastic energy was that of one who was on his way to join my Earth family. I felt my heart chakra touched by a strong wave of love as I connected with the soul of my grandson, and knew that everything was going to be just fine – and it was, as he was born shortly after our encounter, healthy and beautiful.

His parents have chosen the name Deegan for him, a strong Irish name meaning “dark haired”, which fits him very well considering his head of dark hair. I have yet to physically connect with Deegan; I live in Portland, Oregon and he lives in Minnesota. But this lighthearted and inquisitive soul has come to me a few times in a psychic sense, as I learn that his energy likes to be face to face with me, he fills the room in a big way with his happy self, and I always feel my heart chakra touched by him with so much love.

I am joyful beyond words at being a grandmother to such a lovely soul, but most of all I am joyful for my daughter and son-in-law to have the amazing experience of all that parenthood is here on Earth, as they learn to give their love in ways I’m sure they never dreamed of.



What would…

I remember a time in the 90’s when the phrase, “What would Jesus do?” caught on fire, with people sporting bracelets emblazoned with the letters WWJD, and I know I spotted bumper stickers with those same letters on many a car.

At that time in my life I was at an in between place as far as Jesus was concerned. I had quit going to church, but I found myself opening up to a whole new world of spirituality that made much more sense than any religion ever had. Yet I believed in Jesus and his holy status, and his teachings seemed full of messages to help us learn to be a little nicer to each other, more compassionate and loving. But I was a bit cynical about the whole WWJD campaign; to me it just seemed too corny and kitschy for someone as holy and dignified as Jesus.

And now years later, after the WWJD bracelets have all but disappeared, I find myself thinking quite often in regard to life’s occurrences, “What would Jesus do in this case?” My cynicism with that line of thinking has vanished, and I find that trying to emulate the teachings of Jesus is a much better way to try and live my life.

I recently discovered a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer entitled, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. It is based on the teachings of the Tao Te Ching, a book written in ancient China by a sage named Lao Tzu. The book of the Tao consists of 81 verses; teachings that are designed to guide one on a path consistent with living from Divine Love in all we do. Dr. Dyer’s book takes each verse and attempts to explain it in a more modern sense, in the language of our world today. And I find I have started a practice of saying to myself in those times of questioning life here, “What would the Tao do?”

And really, you could insert any path or practice or Ascended Master into that phrase, just fill in the blank with whatever calls to your heart. It could be Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad, it matters not which path or practice or master of Divine Wisdom you choose.

But if you find that you just don’t know where your heart lies, if you are not following a certain path or practice or master, it matters not. Just ask yourself this when the going gets tough and you just don’t have the answer, “What would Love do?” And I guarantee that Love will help you will find the answer to your dilemma – just listen to your heart.

The Grotto in Portland, Oregon

The Grotto in Portland, Oregon

Time, the master of illusion

Being in a realm that is dictated by linear time, at the end of a calendar year we often take note of time passages that occur in that linear way of time. We look back at a year past by making “best of” lists, and we look ahead at the year to come by making resolutions to follow in the year ahead.

As I reflected upon the whole of 2013, I felt as if it were a time of transformation and transitioning to new energies. It seemed to be a time of preparation for that which is to come. And I looked at 2014 as the year of putting all the learning that came forth in 2013 into practice, hoping for a much calmer year with less upheaval.

But then I found what I had written in a journal from last year at this time that made me realize what an illusion time really is. I found this passage: 2012 was a year of preparation, and 2013 is the year to put it into action. Those words turned my reflections of 2013 and 2014 into an echo of what I said last year, the same prophecy as before!

I’ve always known that time here is a construct of human origins. We have had numerous configurations of calendars throughout human history, molding it to our life here on earth as we see fit.

What I have come to discover and try to put into practice now is the real truth; that the only real time is Now, anything else is just an illusion. Life here is an ebb and flow, not a start and stop and start again as the years go by. Now is continuous and I am starting to understand that to plan my life too tightly in the linear sense is confining and restricting.

It’s never easy to change the patterns in our life that we have lived by for so many years, and I do not like to make New Year’s resolutions. But I am making a “for the rest of my life” resolution, to do my best to live my life in each moment, in the truth of Now, and not so much by the passing of time’s illusion.

Clock in downtown Chicago

Clock in downtown Chicago

Lately things are not as they seem

Opening up to the world of the metaphysical certainly lends itself to some interesting experiences, and lately I feel as if I reside in Bizarro World, the world of opposites created by DC comics.

For most people, and my “old” self included, caffeine is a stimulant that causes one to become more alert and awake. But now I find my “new” self experiencing the opposite reaction to the occasional cup of “real” coffee – not the low caffeine, sugar-laden, grocery store bought Maxwell House International instant coffee I drink every morning – but the good stuff with plenty of caffeine. No longer do I come home after a sojourn to one of my favorite coffeehouses with jittery hands and buzzing nerves. Nope, now I head straight for the recliner and a little nap.

But not every “out there” experience as of late is an opposite, like Bizarro World, some things that have happened to me are just downright bizarre!

Take for instance the day I heard a dog talk to me, as plain as day, just like a person. I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to the library, and I saw a woman walking what looked to be a big, beautiful Old English Sheepdog.  We came to the place on the sidewalk where I crossed paths with this woman and her dog, and as I walked by them I heard the dog say to me (in a telepathic way),” I am a Bearded Collie!” And this was said in a very indignant manner, as if I had offended it by incorrectly assuming its breed. And when I got home and looked up a picture of a Bearded Collie in my copy of The Dog Bible, well I could clearly see my mistake. Too bad I ran into such an unforgiving dog, who gave me a bit of a tongue lashing!

And yesterday I heard my phone ring after I had turned the ringer off –  just an auditory hallucination, right?  I had turned off the ringer so I could meditate without being disturbed. Just as I was ready to start my meditation I could hear my phone’s ringtone, ever so faintly in my head, and when I went to check my phone I saw that a friend was trying to call me – yikes! Now I am not crazy, I am a very sane and grounded person, despite my metaphysical wanderings. And I know full well what I heard, in the 4D or 5D or whatever dimension it came from.

I’ve read about this happening to others, the enhancement of our senses beyond the usual 3D we’ve been used to. Just all part of the new paradigm here I guess, and I have to admit, it is all rather fun!

Tea anyone

I see the light! (or I try to anyway)

The God in me is loving the God in you. I worked with a woman who used to utter that phrase at various times, never quite getting it, and to me it sounded like one of those Zen koans that I never understood either. I was much too insecure at the time to ask her what it meant, but for some reason it has stayed with me through the years.

Now that I have a bit more spiritual knowledge and know the difference between the ego-self and the soul, I finally understand that cryptic phrase! It has now become a practice for me, to strive to see the light of the soul, the God in each person I encounter on this earth. But it is not always so easy to maintain this practice.

Walking past the homeless person, pushing a grocery cart that has become their home, my first thoughts are “they don’t look nice, they don’t smell nice, and where is their light of God?” Oh how the ego likes to judge, in such a superficial way. But if I tell my ego to quiet down and let my soul do the talking, I can envision a beautiful light inside this seemingly disheveled being, whose outer light has dimmed a bit. It reminds me of words I’ve read that say the most highly advanced soul is oftentimes disguised as a human being with the most challenging of circumstances, not always so pretty.

And then there are the button-pushers, those we connect with here in our lives that for whatever reason make us want to pull our hair out! How can we see their shining light when all we see is darkness when we are with them? For me it helps to remember that sometimes when we are scared or in pain, we lash out at those trying to help us, much like a wounded animal will do. It’s difficult for any of us to shine when we are hurting. And from a spiritual sense, those button-pushers really are our greatest teachers. From them we learn how to look past the outer and learn to see the inner, and reach for the soulful action that is forgiveness.

This practice of seeing and loving the God in all of us becomes a practice of compassion, one that our greatest spiritual teachers throughout time have tried to teach us. A simple shift in how we view others and connect with them can start a chain reaction of peace and understanding, as we tell our blind-sighted egos to step aside, and start seeing one another with the eyes of our souls.